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Thank you!

Thank you!

by Ven. Myohye Do'an -
Number of replies: 4

Dear Venerable Jeonchan

The summary you provided to us all is very accurate. As much as it pains me to think so, it captures the essence of the struggles that the governing board of officers publicly appointed by Ven. Wonji experienced with unflinching clarity.

Your message was difficult for me to read. It brought back all the stress and grief I endured from December 2021 and well into 2022, not only at the loss of my teacher and friend but also because of a certain individual’s constant attempts to undermine my ability to perform administrative duties as the Chief Abbot of FMZO during a time of great difficulty and chaos. It left me very confused and disappointed, for all I was trying to do was get FMZO and BDU through a crisis period. 

I realize, even now, that the grief of losing my teacher and the pain of going through what we did to protect the sangha from such aggressive and unethical behavior unbecoming of a priest within the Order still needs attention. I intend to continue to work on healing those wounds.

Thank you for your strength, support, and for providing the protection I needed during the past year so that I could work on healing myself from such unwarranted attacks. You came forward early on asking: “How may I help you?” (As many from the sangha did.) A true testament to Ven. Wonji’s legacy. Not only have I been able to work on healing myself, but also continue teaching the buddha-dharma as Wonji’s dharma heir—even while FMZO remains “boxed” away for safekeeping.

I appreciate all the hard work and the countless hours you have put into rebuilding BDU’s website. That was no small task! Especially when access to some websites, servers, and databases was stolen from Ven. Wonji’s computer and intentionally kept from us. Because of your efforts, BDU can continue doing what Ven. Wonji wished—that is to provide easy and affordable access to learning the buddha-dharma for all.

Thank you so very much!

Yours in the dharma,

Ven. Myohye Do’an

PS: thank you to all the instructors here who are committed to the same goal of fulfilling Ven. Wonji's mission, despite the unfortunate challenges we all faced and sadly, continue to face.

In reply to Ven. Myohye Do'an

Re: Thank you!

by Ven. Jeonchan Prajna -
Thank you.

On Mon, Feb 20, 2023, 6:10 PM Ven. Myohye Do'an (via BDU) <
In reply to Ven. Jeonchan Prajna

Re: Thank you!

by Dusty Columbia Embury -
I keep seeing emails about all of the challenges with the transition after Ven. Wonji's death. There now are two BDU websites that are virtually identical and it's still not clear to me which site is the site to use to take classes.
In reply to Dusty Columbia Embury

Re: Thank you!

by Deleted user -
Please remove me from this list. I tried to unsubscribe, but it doesn't

recognize my email address.

On Tue, Feb 21, 2023, 9:10 PM Dusty Columbia Embury (via BDU) <
In reply to Dusty Columbia Embury

Re: Thank you!

by Ven. Jeonchan Prajna -
Dear Dusty,

BDU is legally owned and operated by Reflecting Moon Zen Church and we hold

the Bill of Sale from the FMZO Board. However, there is a person claiming

he was secretly made the head of FMZO by Ven. Wonji and that Ven Wonji

"never got around to telling" the acting Director or Board of FMZO.

We are working our way through how this will look, but we will be

continuing operations. We believe BDU must remain affordable, accessible,

and available to anyone who wants the education, regardless of whether or

not they have the ability to pay for classes.

We are enjoining this battle with deep sadness, and our doors will remain

open to anyone who wishes to learn. Even if they return to us from the

false BDU and fake FMZO that Mr. Langdell has created, and which will never

carry Ven. Wonji's actual legacy - because he would have been horrified by

this behavior.

We hope you will stay, but even if not, our doors will remain open to you

if you should decide to return.

In hapchang,

Ven Jeonchan

On Tue, Feb 21, 2023, 9:10 PM Dusty Columbia Embury (via BDU) <