Dear Dusty,
BDU is legally owned and operated by Reflecting Moon Zen Church and we hold
the Bill of Sale from the FMZO Board. However, there is a person claiming
he was secretly made the head of FMZO by Ven. Wonji and that Ven Wonji
"never got around to telling" the acting Director or Board of FMZO.
We are working our way through how this will look, but we will be
continuing operations. We believe BDU must remain affordable, accessible,
and available to anyone who wants the education, regardless of whether or
not they have the ability to pay for classes.
We are enjoining this battle with deep sadness, and our doors will remain
open to anyone who wishes to learn. Even if they return to us from the
false BDU and fake FMZO that Mr. Langdell has created, and which will never
carry Ven. Wonji's actual legacy - because he would have been horrified by
this behavior.
We hope you will stay, but even if not, our doors will remain open to you
if you should decide to return.
In hapchang,
Ven Jeonchan
On Tue, Feb 21, 2023, 9:10 PM Dusty Columbia Embury (via BDU) <